Brtveni čep za mokre prostore.

Dvokomponentni čep koji čini silikon suvišnim.

fischer DuoSeal je cjelovit, samostalni sustav koji se sastoji od tiple i vijka. Postupak je standardan: izbušite rupu, umetnite tiplu, pričvrstite predmet vijkom, zategnite i gotovo. U kombinaciji s priloženim vijkom, ovo rješenje za čep idealno je za bušenje rupa u pločicama i potpuno ih brtvi bez dodatnih brtvenih materijala. To znači da su strukturna oštećenja uzrokovana vlagom u građevinskim materijalima stvar prošlosti.

Prednosti na prvi pogled

Izbjegavanje strukturne štete
DuoSeal potpuno zatvara bušotine na pločicama bez dodatnih brtvila i time sprječava strukturalnu štetu uzrokovanu vlagom u građevinskom materijalu.
Uključen je vijak od nehrđajućeg čelika :
Vijak od nehrđajućeg čelika koji dolazi u setu idealno je prikladan za instalaciju u vlažnim područjima i sprječava hrđanje.
Idealno prikladan za površine s pločicama:
DuoSeal je idealan za pločične površine koje su izložene vrlo čestoj prskalici vode i privremeno nakupljenoj vodi. U svakom slučaju, molimo vas da obratite pažnju na opće nacionalne propise o upotrebi čepova u vlažnim područjima.
Pažljiva instalacija na pločicama
Univerzalni tipl se može nježno instalirati na pločice s vrlo malo napora.
Siguran prihvat u svim građevinskim materijalima:
Njegova crvena komponenta osigurava siguran prihvati u svim građevinskim materijalima. Na taj način, DuoSeal postiže iste nosivosti kao i konvencionalni nylon tiplovi.
Optimalno brtvljenje bušotina :
Rubni mekani plastični obod potpuno zatvara bušotinu i fleksibilno se prilagođava obliku dijela za pričvršćivanje.
fischer DuoSeal
Brtveni čep za mokre prostore.

Značajke proizvoda

Description of the water impact classes

Reliable sealing in wet areas is obligatory according to the regulations of the DIN 18534 and ETAG 022.Up to now, these drill holes  have always been additionally sealed with silicone or other sealing compound at great expense. This not only causes additional costs, but is also very time-consuming. In addition, silicone does not comply with the above-mentioned sealing standards, as this is only a temporary solution and joints must be repaired regularly.

With the fischer DuoSeal and the matching stainless steel screw, drill holes in wet areas can be sealed watertight for the first time without additional sealing compound. The plastic plug was tested independently by the Testing and Certification Institute of the Säure Fliesner Vereinigung e. V.. The watertightness was confirmed for the ETAG 022 and water exposure class W3-I based on the DIN 18534.

Sealing standards in wet areas

No more sealing drill holes with silicone.

Reliable sealing in wet areas is obligatory according to the regulations of the DIN 18534 and ETAG 022.Up to now, these drill holes  have always been additionally sealed with silicone or other sealing compound at great expense. This not only causes additional costs, but is also very time-consuming. In addition, silicone does not comply with the above-mentioned sealing standards, as this is only a temporary solution and joints must be repaired regularly.With the fischer DuoSeal and the matching stainless steel screw, drill holes in wet areas can be sealed watertight for the first time without additional sealing compound. The plastic plug was tested independently by the Testing and Certification Institute of the Säure Fliesner Vereinigung e. V..

The watertightness was confirmed for the ETAG 022 and water exposure class W3-I based on the DIN 18534.Taking into account the national and international sealing standards in wet areas the DuoSeal in combination with the enclosed screw is therefore ideally suited for applications in commercial, private and public wet areas, which are often exposed to frequent splashing and temporary accumulation of water.  In any case, please take note of the general national regulations on the use of plugs in wet areas.

Discover the whole story

Even the newest bathroom can suffer from mould and water damage if the drill holes are not properly sealed. The new fischer innovation DuoSeal shows how drill hole seals work properly and completely without silicone.Decide for yourself with the choice of plug whether your bathroom will remain a home spa in the long term or become a permanent construction site.

Find out more


The fischer DuoSeal has been awarded the ZVSHK Award 2021. With this award, the German association recognizes innovative product solutions in the bathroom that are exemplary in design and make life significantly easier.


Furnishing of bathrooms

Wall fixings in kitchens

Accessories close to the washbasin

Accessories inside the shower

Fixing of towel holders

Fixing of partition walls

Fixings in dressing rooms

Cupboards and shelves close to water

Fixing of tube holders
