For the quality control of undercut holes for fischer Zykon panel anchors.

Testing and measuring equipment

The function of the fixing system depends on many factors. An important point here are correctly drilled holes and their inspection. The drill holes must be checked and recorded in accordance with the testing and setting specifications (these can be downloaded from the homepage anchor-specific), also within the scope of the approval.
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Produkt varijante

12 produkt varijanti
Useable Material
Adapted for
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Prednosti / opis proizvoda

  • Enable fast, easy and economical quality control of the created undercut holes.
  • Represent the established method of measuring drill hole dimensions for checking compliance with tolerances.

Upotreba i atesti

  • For the quality control of undercut holes for fischer Zykon panel anchors FZP II
  • Ventilated rainscreen façades
  • Façade panels
Building materials
  • Natural stone (≥ 20mm)
  • Artificial concrete panels (e.g. GFRC, UHPC, etc.)
  • Ceramics
  • Porcelain stoneware
  • Fiber cement
  • HPL panels
  • Solid surface panels
  • Thin panel materials (≥ 8 mm)
Primjenjuju se pojedinosti (građevinski materijali, opterećenja itd.) bilo kojeg dostupnog odobrenja. Dodatne dokumente možete pronaći u Download Center.

Uputstva za montažu

  • Quality control of the created undercut holes by measuring the important parameters such as cylindrical diameter, undercut diameter and drilling depth